Membership Form

जीवन समर्थन फॉर्म


पावित्री फाउंडेशन चैरिटेबल ट्रस्ट

Regd. Office-Raniwan Karmajeet, Post-Raniwan Ashram, Ambedkar Nagar, U.P., Pin Code-224141

Head. Office-Hydel Coloney, Akbarpur, Ambedkar Nagar, U.P., Pin Code-224122

Mob-9839938888, 9415680377

Applicant's Detail

फोटो (Photo)

Maximum file size: 5 MB File size exceeds 5 MB. Please upload a smaller file.

Education Qualification 8th / 10th / 12th / Other Qualification:

Upload Document:

Applicant's Bank Account Details:

I hereby certify that the above-mentioned information is true, and nothing has been concealed therein. I have read the conditions for eligibility for receiving Unemployment Allowance and confirm that I am eligible. I understand that if any of the above information is found incorrect, appropriate legal action may be taken against me.

  • Place:
  • Date:
  • Note:
  • Applicant's Signature with Name:
  • 1. Please ensure that all the columns of this application form are filled.
  • 2. Self Certified Declaration declaring that she/he is unemployed as per format prescribed by the Department. (as per form 'C' attached).
  • 3. Attested copies of 10th / 12th / age certificate issued by competent authority to ascertain age and educational qualification is attached.